Enjoy the pristine natural world on an Alpine Hut vacation
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Vacations at an Alpine hut in Hüttschisbach im Kleinen Melchtal - without electricity, at 1400 meters above sea level.
Kitchen with an open hearth and a gas burner (Rechaud). The entire Alpine Hut is wheelchair-accessible. In the hay loft there is plenty of sleeping accommodation (Mattress camp), or for romping about when the weather is bad.
The Ming Family in Lungern also offers accommodation with hay beds, single rooms or multiple-bed rooms, cheese tasting and local specialties. The farm is ideal for English-speaking guests.
Family Tree History:
All the Mings (excluding China), as far as
I know have their roots in Switzerland.
Beginning after the big 30 Year German
War (1650) they moved out to the Pfalz and
Elsass, and later to USA. In the 18th
century there were quit a lot of direct
imigrations from Switzerland to USA. Their
homtown is cold Lungern and is situated in
the center of Switzerland.
Herzlich willkommen auf unserem BIO-Bauernhof. Er liegt im idyllischen Bergdorf Lungern am Brünigpass und Jakobsweg. Im heimeligen Zimmer mit Seesicht werden Sie sich wohlfühlen. Zum Frühstück verwöhnen wir Sie mit vorwiegend hofeigenen Produkten. Idealer Ausgangspunkt für Wander-, Velo und Biketouren. Ein Besuch im Brünig-Indoor ist empfehlenswert. 10 min. zu Fuss zum Bahnhof.
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